Thursday, August 15, 2013

Things I Learned And Wrote At Age 22

  • Let them be wrong.

  • Prolixity is proportionate to age.

  • It is facile to undo good and arduous to undo wrong.

  • One cannot be convinced who wishes not to be dissuaded.

  • Earthly education is inversely proportionate to ecclesiastical morality

  • The difference between guile and honesty is not in veracity, but in the intent.

  • The people who have the most cause to complain usually don't.

  • He who denies divine inspiration will never acknowledge diabolic influence.

  • People speak for two reasons: 1) to volunteer information and 2) to obtain information.
    • Those of the latter are better suited to partake of the former.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, just wanted to say I’m glad I ran into your blog. It looks like you were really mature for your age. I didn’t realize some of the things you mentioned until later on in life.
