Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Things I Learned And Wrote At Age 21

  • Some want to be healthy, and some want to be happy.

  • Wisdom lies not in what is said so much as what is not said.

  • Reaction is weightier than action.

  • War is the guardian of peace.
    • A lover of peace is at times a supporter of war.

  • It is impossible to live upright and not be happy

  • Once you forgive someone, you forever relinquish all right to bring the matter up again.

  • The greatness of a man is proportionate to the veracity of his word.

  • Two people claim to know Jesus: the wise and the lunatic.

  • Where truth lacks, there complexity ensues, and confusion reigns.

  • Loneliness is a voluntary condition.

  • It is no easier to judge than to misjudge.

  • Do not ask a question unless you are prepared for the answer.

  • Consistency in large areas is formed by good habits in small areas.

  • The degree of fear is commensurate to the distance from God.

  • A ton of good is overturned with an ounce of evil.

  • "Cool" is sedated boldness.

  • Truth is a rock.  It does not conform to man; man must conform to it.

  • Passion is emotion plus direction.

  •  When you fear someone, you give them power over you.

  •  The most direct way to view a man introspectively is through what he owns.
    • Property is an extension of a man.
      • To disrespect a man's belongings is to disrespect the man.

  • Prosperity tends to stifle spirituality.

  • There are many who stand unvindicated by God, but there are none who remain so.

  • Justification is the gateway to heaven.  Self-justification is the portal to hell.

  • While a man will retain a grudge for a lifetime, a child has more wisdom than to hold on to something called bitterness.

  • The thoughts of God are so far divorced from the deeds of man that a partaker of one must abandon the other.

  • A large portion of wisdom is to surrender the need to know some things.

  • There is a list of things you have done for them and a list of things they have done for you; but they will only remember the latter.

  • Every work of God is redemptive.

  • Perfecting is a process.  Perfectionism is a sickness.

  • Peace: Prevention from mention of all contention.
  • Holiness: Abstention from invention of carnal intention.
  • Heaven: The pension of ascension to a godly convention.

  • Money that is not in immediate possession merits no heed.

  • Do not remove the aspect of service in a "church service."

  • The atmosphere of life is chosen by the individual.  The atmosphere of the home is chosen by the parents.

  • Knowledge is obtained of Earth, but wisdom is obtained exclusively of God.

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