Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Things I Learned And Wrote At Age 20

  • Hold a bird too tightly and it will choke.  Hold a bird too loosely and it will fly away.

  • The circulation of influence: what enters into a man is what he becomes.  What a man is, is what comes out of him.

  • Emotion breeds commotion.

  • Proximity plus time equals frustration.
    • Knowledge plus understanding equals wisdom.
    • Experience plus confidence equals trust.
    • Trust plus belief equals faith.

  • Attitude is a state of the spirit.

  • Wisdom is obtained from the spiritual world and applied to the literal world.

  • It is because the allotment of life is singular that the epiphany of the source of life's true beauty is imperative.

  • Happiness in life cannot be found in the search for what satisfies.  It must begin with the self-seeking quest of what needs to be satisfied.

  • Foresight is wisdom.

  • If a god exists, the wisest man on Earth is he who fears Him most.

  • Sin is both an action and a condition.

  • Intelligence is manifested in the how more than the what.

  • Age is inversely proportionate to the disposition to change.

  • Self defense of the culpable precedes accusation.

  • Antiquity does not negate veracity.

  • The difference between friendship and courtship is tantamount to the degree to which one's problems become another's.

  • It is as grave a matter to conceive a life as it is to take one.

  • There are absolutes.

  • The majority of happiness is based upon expectation.

  • The aspect of legitimacy is the attempted justification for the sin of intemperance.

  •  All manner of satisfaction is derived from the denial of immediate pleasures.

  • Women are the signposts for morality in a society because what women will allow, men will do.

  • The greatest folly of church division is that it sends the message that salvation is complicated.

  • It is not given to man to do good to his own soul.  But he does have power to undo the good.

  • Abstinence from violation of the conscience matters little when accompanied with unscrupulous appearance.

  • Reputation is a creation fragile in structure, built through years of painful endeavor and shattered at a breeze's whim.

  • There are two spiritual conditions: fighting and dead.

  • The absence of faith is insecurity.
    • The opposite of faith is fear.

  • There was a time when I always had to win, but I got victory over that.


  1. I like what you say about art and science. But I want to hear more about method to madness, else, structured freedom, else, art. Does anything go? Where is your arbitrary line? Do you think all art should exist?

    1. I do not believe that "anything goes" in art, only because I believe in the concept and importance of propriety. There exist levels of impropriety that even art has no license in which to delve.
      By that token, I suppose that all could imagine some form of art that would be offensive to them in a very personal and unnecessarily cutting way. If that is true, then nobody thinks that ALL art SHOULD exist.
