Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Things I Learned And Wrote By Age 19

  • The difference between heroism and foolhardiness is success.

  • The main characteristic of perfection is consistency, and therefore predictability.

  • Romanticism is justice.

  • A true man has mastered Ecclesiastes 3:1

  • Open-mindedness is to assume first that oneself is wrong. 
    • It is possible to be too open-minded.

  • The main problem with philosophizing is that too often the conclusion is reached before all factors are considered.

  • Open eyes are as good as an open mind.
    • An open heart is better than an open mind.

  • The currency of life is time.
    • The greatest investment is the investment of memories.

  • One cannot not communicate.

  • The greatest pain for a parent, aside from losing a child, is to see a child fall into the same mistakes the parent made.

  • Confidence is built through repeated success.

  • The art of communication lies in the placing of silence.

  • If you give enough people a piece of your mind, you won't have one left.

  • Practicality is the opposite of romanticism.

  • Believers in God would accept affliction if they knew why God sent it.

  • Art is the opposite of science.
    • Science can be measured, art cannot.
    • Science can be exactly replicated, art cannot.
    • Science is, regardless of human intervention.  Art is, because of human intervention.
    • Art is perfected through human imperfection.

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