Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Nature Of A Trinity

There are many who do not understand how a Godhead could exist in three forms which are one.  Is this concept any more difficult than God's omnipresence?  How can one be in all places and respond to all people at any given moment?

          God is represented in three forms, but all are the same person.  In a literal sense, this is impossible in our world, but not in God's.  God is not bound by the constraints of form.  What does a spirit look like?  "God is a spirit."  If there lacks physical form, the laws of nature need not apply.  Plurality and singularity, in God's world, can (apparently) coexist.
          The science of a trinity is nonsensical in this universe, but the concept ought not to be so foreign from our minds so as to elude comprehension, for there are elements of trinities woven into our world.

  • Matter exists in three separate forms.  Gasses, solids, and liquids all behave in different manners and are used in different functions.  Water vapor is very dissimilar from ice, but they both consist of dihydrogen monoxide.  Each form of anything that has mass is unique from another, but all have one thing in common: they are all matter.  They are all one.  This, to a world of lower dimension, perhaps could be incomprehensible.
  • There is a human trinity as well.  Every human has a physical, mental, and spiritual side (body, mind, spirit).  Though these are all part of the same being, there is a definite distinction made between them.
      • Assume that a perfectly healthy man in all three aspects of his being accidentally stabs himself.  His physical being is in pain, but his mental and spiritual health are uninjured.  
      • Now assume a perfectly healthy man has suddenly incurred a great debt and is informed that his wife is now pregnant.  While no physical or spiritual harm has come to him, stress will likely ravage his mind.
      • Often is there a case of a man who is well in body and intellectually sound, but not well in spirit.  I have known a number of doctorate-holding professors who were healthy and as intelligent as one could hope to be, but very dissatisfied, unfulfilled people.  For all their learning, they have neglected to study into a third of their being, dismissing it under the pretense that if it is scientifically unclassifiable, it is inconsequential.
               I have also heard it stated that the trinity operates much like a human operates - one person officiating different roles.

The man who told me this said, "I am a citizen, a husband, and a teacher."
          Upon this predication, the three roles can be classified:
    • Husband: Provides for wife and children in the areas of security, finance, and affection
    • Teacher: Instructs students in a manner so as to facilitate learning and abides within the dictates of the principal and curriculum
    • Citizen: Obeys laws and pays taxes
The trinity of God can be described in a similar way:
  • Father:  Executes judgment, retains ultimate authority
    • Peculiar honor: Considered higher than all things including the other two forms of God
  • Son:  Mankind's lawyer/mediator, portal to God, witnesses of the Father, God's word, saves, mankind's sacrifice of atonement, extricates from evils
    • Peculiar honor: Most recognized and worshiped by mankind because of His incarnation (and the only one given a human name: Jesus, which translates to Joshua)
  • Holy Spirit/Ghost:  Endows with spiritual power, witnesses of the Father, comforts, unifies, sanctifies
    • Peculiar honorBlasphemy of this form of God will not be forgiven (this is not the case with the other forms of God)
 All these roles are contained within the persona of one being who operates in three sub-capacities.  It is impossible to worship one without worshiping all, and it is impossible to exclude or despise one without excluding all.

Whenever one encounters aspects of the nature of God that challenge human comprehension, it should not deter belief, it should reinforce it.  A comprehensible God is to be doubted.

1 comment:

  1. Loved your post. I really like your last paragraph, too, that "a comprehensible God is to be doubted." Truly, although we need to try to get closer to God and understand Him better, in this life we will not be able to fully understand Him. Yet, this shouldn't stop us from trying. God bless you, Joel.
