Monday, October 24, 2011

The Genius Of God's Design Of Prophecy (And Nature Of Time Travel)

    It has been before stated that God inhabits all of time simultaneously (everywhen is the false word used to describe this attribute).  Since God inhabits eternity, he sees the all-encompassing view of the entirety of time.  This does not necessitate the doctrine of destiny or predestination, because the fact that God can look at all events of history and the future, does not negate the fact that man has brought his circumstances to be as they are.

    Many people think that if God knows what we each will do, then we must be predestined to do it.  This is a fallacy of reasoning because none of the causation of our actions emanates from the will of God.  All that we will do, whether God has seen it or not, is solely by personal choice.

    But if God can indeed see all that we will do (as he is already there watching it from his time-free, still sea of eternity) then he is capable of prophecy.  Yet, there stands a reason why God cannot prophesy to men what will happen in the future.  God cannot do this because of the nature of time travel.

    The nature of the inconsistency of time travel in this dimension, succinctly put, is that whenever one views his future (where human volition plays a part), it changes.

  To illustrate this, consider the most common intention of time travel: to correct past mistakes.
  •  If one were to travel back in time to warn oneself to avoid a situation or person, they would then change their past, rewriting a part of their life.  If they took their own advice, the situation would then cease to exist, thereby removing it from having been done in the history of the Earth.  If it had not been done, then when they reached the point at which they had traveled back in time to erase the event, they would no longer have any cognizance of the event and, thus, would also have erased the going back in time to prevent it.  Therefore the event would have retaken place in the past all over again.  This cycle would be unending, creating a loop of eternity within the realm of time, and since time itself is inextricable from the interrelations of humans, time would cease to progress.
    This is the nature of why time travel cannot work in our reality, why humans cannot know their future, and why, consequently, God cannot prophesy to man.  It would stop time and create a paradox that would tear a hole in the fabric of the universe.

Now we encounter a true paradox:

God cannot give prophecy to man

- God does prophesy to man

How does God circumvent this impossibility?
    The first guess would be that the nature of his prophecies do not concern the will of man but things that are out of man's control, such as grand acts of nature or of God.  But this explication is not the case.

    Rather, the answer lies in this: God obscures prophecy from man's understanding until after its fulfillment.

    This has been the case since the beginning of time.  It is God's insurance that man will not act contrary to what He has decreed must happen.  Since he (by his own law) cannot incur privation of the will of man, he must speak in terms that are only understood in retrospect.

    When the Messiah was prophesied, there were many ideas on what the prophecies meant.  Some believed that the Christ would be known by a grand military uprising, some believed he would be known when Elijah came to Earth again proclaiming his coming, and most had different ideas about where he would come from (Egypt, Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Nazareth, Galilee, etc.).  It was only after it was all fulfilled that people put all the pieces of prophecy together perfectly and realized God's intricate design for it.

    The book of Revelation is a book of prophecy.  How dimly do we comprehend its dark sayings?  That which has past we understand.  Of that which has not there is great dispute.  For example, when symbolic nature is understood, it is clear (in retrospect) that some of the beasts of Revelation are rooted in Rome's history.  A dragon is described as having seven heads and ten horns.  Later another leopard-like beast is described as having seven heads and ten horns.  Viewing history, we do know of a society that came from a conglomeration of seven nations with ten positions of power, and that was Rome.  Being mentioned in the Bible, we must focus on the religious aspect of Rome and we find two main forms, just as there were two beasts.  Rome's two historical religions were Roman Paganism and Roman Papalism.

    It is possible that there are some who have perceived the true nature God's prophecies, but if there are, then they must be people to whom God gave this wisdom because they had either no means of altering the prophecy or no motive.

    This design of God, relative to his foretelling the future, is foolproof and a tribute to His master craftsmanship of events.  It is one reason why there can be no searching of His understanding.


  1. Love this post. It makes a lot of sense to me now why a lot of prophecies are so hard to understand. But again, some of the events that already took place, which were prophesied about before, are still can be unclear due to different interpretations. Also, there is type of prophecy which God gives to comfort or encourage people, I think. But I guess you were referring to a greater scale prophecies to nations or generations, not those to a particular persons.

  2. Regarding the concept of time and how God relates to it, I read very interesting example by C.S. Lewis. There he explains it pretty much as you do. He said, imagine time as a line. We, as humans, are moving along that line and cannot see what's ahead in the future or what was behind, in the past before we were born. God, on the other hand, looks at the entire line from above, seeing the entire time line from the beginning to end simultaneously. I read Lewis' book "Mere Christianity" a while ago, probably 10-12 years ago, but this explanation of time and God stock in my mind forever :) If you haven't already read it, I would highly recommend this book.
