Friday, March 25, 2016

Things I Learned And Wrote At Age 26

  • Don't lie.  It's just more to memorize.

  • Life isn't easier for Christians, but it makes more sense.

  • You can have faith or control.

  • Your life is a balance: God on the right side, all else on the other.
    • Whatever you contribute to either end will affect the opposite.

  • You can live for your goods or you can live for your good.

  • If faith is worth anything, it's worth everything.

  • Forgiveness is the gift God gives to man.  Consecration is the gift man gives back to God.

  • Patience does not actually have to do with length of time.  It has to do with attitude.

  • I was so focused on what wasn't, I missed out on what was.

  • A good man compromises his preferences ever - his conscience never.

  • Always compare yourself temporally to those below you and morally to those above you.

  • Don't prepare for life.  Prepare for death.  Life is not guaranteed.  Death is.

  • A dad is the standard by which children measure all other men.

  • As you grow old, you either get better or you get bitter.

  • A fool is a man with no lordship over his temperaments.

  • Unless you are God, you never have to figure out who is going to heaven and who isn't.

  • There is a plethora of things to which everyone ought to be closed-minded.

  • The only way you don't fit in with good people is when there is too much of you.

  • The only person you need to be superior to is yourself yesterday.

  • Work equals worth.

  • A good man thinks: What would I say to my younger self?
    • A better man thinks: What would my younger self say of me?

  • Nature is God's great instrument.  He is not bound by it but will use it exclusively when it can be utilized as the vehicle to accomplish His purpose.

  • Charity and convenience are not friends.


  1. "Forgiveness is the gift God gives to man."

    How can you find forgiveness to people who have harmed you and especially your loved ones. What if time doesn't help?

  2. Finding forgiveness is the true test of your love for someone. If you have true love for anyone, forgiveness (even at the expense of your own feelings) should come as naturally as swimming to a fish. Loved ones are the ones who need our forgiveness the most. The thing is - forgiveness cannot actually be bestowed upon an individual without their request. I knew of a man who once wrote a statement of forgiveness to another man who had wronged him and carried it in his pocket for years. In the fullness of time, the man did ask for his forgiveness, and he gave him the note, adding: "I forgave you a long time ago, friend. All you had to do was ask."
    Perhaps this is the best illustration we can give for how to forgive. There was never closure until the forgiveness was asked; but we can have an attitude of readiness - even eagerness to do so if asked. Even God cannot help a soul by granting forgiveness unless they request it. But He is ready and willing.
    In that sense, time alone will not necessarily bring about the happy conclusion. I refer to time as the great healer of all things only because it can change us - the ones who have been hurt and teach us to be happy even with the thorns so injuriously offered us. If time has not brought peace with a difficult situation, it is because not enough of it has elapsed.

  3. Ooof. That sure is a doozy of a subject. And your response has definitly helped me see things a bit differently. Thanks :)

    I hope you keep writing these and more entries. I feel so much peace and hope reading through them.
