Friday, March 2, 2012


  1. Shame is the gateway to grace.
  2.  Shame is the most effective, efficient, and sure means of positive change.
  3. A day of shame is worth a lifetime of instruction.
    Shame is a good thing for bad people.  It is the direct result of an accurate reflection, and nothing more.  Good people cannot obtain it unless there be a departing from that which is good.
  • The best remedy for shame is redemption.  Redemption is a process.
      1. Repentance is in the mouth of the offender.
      2. Forgiveness is in the hand of the victim.
      3. Redemption is in the eye of the public.
  • The best preventative measure against shame is to live by the following rule:
    • Do not do that which you would undo if caught.


  1. Have you ever experienced such a day of shame?

    1. Only those who have experienced shame to such an extent can understand it so. But it is difficult to realize one's own state of degradation and thus seek a turning away from decadence and debauchery without it. It is ironic that shame which is also called disgrace could be the gateway to grace.

  2. "Do not do that which you would undo if caught" - simple, yet effective way to remind myself how to behave. Many times I called to mind this phrase and thought about it within last couple of weeks since I read this post first time. Thanks for the post, Joel.
