Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Things I Learned And Wrote At Age 33

  • People who know you don't cancel you; people who don't know you do.

  • Hollywood is comprised of people who would condemn a man for watching a couple engage in the most intimate act through a glass window and in the same breath engage in the same activity specifically for millions to watch through a glass screen.

  • The opposite of peace is anger.

  • Precedent is good, but principal is better.
    • Precedents merely guide, as the many stars do; but one principal, like the singular sun, easily outshines and obscures them all.

  • You can get the meaning of someone's words with divided attention, but you can only get the spirit of what they say with full attention.
    • Attention is expensive. That's why you pay.

  • Any god is known by its servants.

  • Injudicious defenders do more damage than the offenders.

  • There is no moral difference between the way you treat your future self and another person.

  • Your words are bullets that fit perfectly into the firearms of your enemies.

  • The more you know yourself, the more patience you'll have with people's faults.

  • The definition of an archetype is the most extreme example of something. The greatest superficiality of our day is when those who have grazed the border of suffering attempt to style themselves as an archetype.

  • One of the most immature things you can do is point to another's fault to excuse your own.

  • Unbelief is the parent of sin.

  • Nobody is a more appropriate and capable judge of you than your younger, more innocent self.

  • Let acts redefine people rather than people redefine acts.

  • God uses the outer to refine the inner

  • A smart person can show you the way out of your ignorance. An intelligent person can show you the way out of your flawed thought processes. A wise person can show you the way out of your convoluted issues.

  • There is only one reason humans cry: when we sense the greatness of a thing. This is true of the negative and the positive.
    • One sign of maturity is that you properly only cry over the great things.
    • The immature improperly sense greatness in trivial things.

  • Nature is God's instrument. Humans only might be. That is why I sooner submit my wellbeing to the whim of nature than men.

  • Bias can be detected in how begrudging you feel about changing your opinion.

  • Genuine divine inspiration is not omniscience. There is room in it for limited human perception and expression.

  • No one knows how much they have failed to consider along any issue.

  • There are people in hell who would love to come back and have your problems.
    • There are no timeouts in hell.
    • The most recent person to enter eternity has been there just as long as the first.

  • The price of your heart is your mind
    • If you give your heart to something and lose that thing, you will lose your mind with it.
      • Give your heart to what you are least likely to lose.
    • Whatever your heart is set on your thoughts will be bound to.

  • Every biblical contradiction is a Hegelian dialectic.

  • It is necessary for evil to exist in the world and come upon every life because if you don't interact with it, you become it.
    • Shadows are how the brain understands the way an object moves through an environment.
    • Evil frames the borders, demarcating the path we ought to walk.

  • The worst penance to pay for a wrongdoing is nothing. The human constitution is not built to withstand the toll of nothing. It is the hardest on the soul.

  • You can't avoid being attracted to a light when you're in darkness.

  • Men of deeds are usually more valuable than men of words. This is because most men of words are not men of their word.
    • A man of words who follows through is of equal importance as a man of deeds because men of deeds move the world, but men of words move the minds of men.

  • Health is a negotiation of stability. There are two unhealthy extremes: amorphism and inflexibility.
    • This is applicable to the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

  • The divergent from a pattern do not negate the pattern.
    • If anything, they tend to highlight the pattern.

  • Respect is to a man what love is to a woman. And what respect and love are to a man and woman, respectively, is what faith is to God.
    • This is one explanation for the hiddenness of God.

  • The correct way to converse and especially disagree is in the spirit of mutual ignorance.

  • Omnipotence can do nothing in the face of unbelief.

  • Disease is the thief of identity.

  • A hard heart will not accept, but a hard head will not even hear.

  • The role of the present is to act as a transducer converting the potential of the future into the permanency of the past.

  • Identity is biologically rooted and socially negotiated.

  • There are two affronts to women's liberation: suppression and exploitation. Any that contribute to the sexualization/objectification of women (even if self-inflicted) are no more progressive than the religious groups that subordinate them.

  • The mind is the battleground of the soul. The heart is the walled city. The body pays the taxes of the victor.

  • The atmosphere is a filter that distorts the view of heaven from earth.

  • Alcohol and bitterness are equivalents in the physical and metaphysical world, respectively.
    • It started as something salutary that was either neglected or intentionally wrested into poison.
    • It is pleasing in the short term but toxic. The draw is nearly irresistible, and those concerned with their health learn to deny it.
    • It is embraced under the assumption of personal liability, but the family is inevitably affected.

  • If you don't get under the spirit of something, you won't enjoy it.

  • Each of the five senses in the realm of science has an equivalent in the realm of values.
    1. For sight, we have insight.
    2. For hearing, we have understanding.
    3. For feeling, we have emotion.
    4. For smell, we have discernment.
    5. For taste, we have preference.

  • You can make inroads of unity with those who will not listen merely by being the one who listens to them.

  • Those who are powerless to effect change and are therefore subject to the caprice of the powerful are the metaphysical instantiation of the temporally poor.
    • Thus, any government that does not heed the vox populi is guilty of neglect to the poor.

  • God is as small as he is big.

  • Perhaps the greatest virtue on earth is the ability to be hurt without accepting the relief of validation.
    • When you open your mouth to speak (for the purpose of validation), your superiority over the situation leaves out of it.

  • The difference between happiness and joy is that happiness is exclusively either given or received, but joy is always bidirectional.

  • The greatest gift a parent can give to their child is siblings.

  • I never met a financially stable Christian that didn't tithe.

  • Response is the root word of responsibility.

  • Unwise young people typically turn into unwise old people.

  • Faith is fearlessness.

  • Joy is an underlying fountain supplying positivity from beneath. Happiness is the purity of the surface waters. Life muddies the surface waters. If the spring is unimpeded, the muck will be carried downstream.

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