Saturday, March 31, 2018

Things I Learned And Wrote At Age 28

  • False humility is attempted self-deception.
    • True humility is instinctive self-forgetfulness.

  • Cowardly men use sarcasm often because it offers them refuge from accountability.
      • If something is well received, they take the glory; if not, they pass it off as a joke.

  • A good person will alter their way of life for the sake of a line of reasoning.

  • If you believe in God but believe there is no written standard of what is right and wrong, you have taken morality from God and remanded it to the care of men.

  • Statements of fact are never inherently unkind.  This is why the wisdom of any person who uses one may be called into judgment.

  • It is humanly impossible to change inwardly without wanting to.

  • Punctuality is a point of pride for a gentleman.

  • In general, the longer you take to explain something, the less you understand it.

  • It is better to find the right person too late than the wrong person too soon.

  • The mission to do good to all mankind begins with yourself.

  • A person of class is, first and foremost, knowledgeable in the history of a thing.

  • A wife is a great blessing or a great curse to a man; and there is no in-between.

  • You can address an offense face to face or you can let it go forever.  There is no third option.

  • You have done wrong every time your justification consists of pointing out the flaws of others.

  • The hallmark of class is that it ages well.

  • A funeral should be a time for reflecting upon the thought: How would my life be different if this person was never born?
    • And if possible, we should reflect on this before they die.

  • When someone is in any way better than you, it doesn't make you worse than you were.

  • If the whole world's out to get you, you might be guilty.

  • There is nothing in the world more practical than wisdom because wisdom is the usage of optimal means to attain the optimal end.

  • Of the three forms of time (past, present, future), the future is the most ephemeral, the most volatile, and therefore, the least worthy of concern.
    • Diligence in the present will intrinsically secure the future; and the past is a treasure trove of mistakes and successes.

  • Happiness = Success ÷ Expectation

  • A woman who is constantly reminding the world that she is a female is no lady.

  • Faith is the receptacle for grace.

  • To a good man, peace is more valuable than being right.

  • Inside every unlikable person is a lovable soul.

  • Home ceases to be home when it revokes its welcome.
    • Wherever a welcome avails itself - behold, a home.

  • None will find himself in Hell but despite God's best efforts.

  • You can always tell the wise from the smart by who is happy and who is sad.

  • The reason love is so uniquely renowned above all human experiences is that it is a deep-seated longing for something you already have.
    • The feelings of love and longing are so indistinguishable it is nearly impossible to describe one without expressing the profundity of the other.

  • Your word is more valuable than your life.