Saturday, May 6, 2017

Things I Learned And Wrote At Age 27

  • Happiness is predicated upon goodness.
    • No one ever committed suicide after a string of right choices.

  • The will of man may technically be the most powerful force in the universe.  It is the only thing that can counteract the will of God.  Even the will of the devil does not have such power.

  • Honesty is when what you say concurs with what you believe.
    • Sincerity is when what you do concurs with what you believe.

  • You can tell when someone is naturally sweet because upsetting circumstances will make them sad rather than angry.

  • Do not make any oath without trembling.

  • Asking where God came from is the same as asking: Where will God die?

  • Faith is not necessarily stepping out on water thinking you're going to walk on it; it's stepping out thinking you're going to sink, knowing only that God said to do it.

  • Always look at your present self through your future eyes.

  • If you're flat on your face, the next step toward standing up is getting on your knees.

  • Passive aggression is sowing seeds of aggression.  Those seeds yield active aggression.

  • The more frivolous things you spend your time on, the less deep of a person you become.

  • The only kind of people that should become a couple are two good people.  If either or both are less than good, they do not belong.

  • Validation for pain is an essential human need that only a neighbor can fulfill.

  • Men often deal with and exhibit their pain through anger; women, through sadness.  Of these two, the man's mechanism is more dangerous.

  • Old age is a greater gift than youth. All have had youth, but not all attain old age.

  • The more you consider how you'll want to look back on your past, the more you'll know what course to take now.

  • The definition of truth is not that which is known.

  • The scope of how you regard God is exactly as big or small as the scope of how you regard sin.

  • People never forsake faith in God for what is known; it is always because of what is unknown.